Bonjour WoMoz : Chit Thiri Maung

C’est grâce à elle que Mozilla a désormais une communauté en Birmanie (ou en République officielle du Myanmar) ! Chit (ou Akheno, son pseudo) est une Reps et une WoMoz de chic et de choc. Elle déborde d’amour et d’idées. Elle vient d’ailleurs de représenter le Panda Roux avec talent lors des #DevCon2012, soit la plus grande conférence de développeurs, à Rangoon. Chit y a fait une présentation sur Mozilla Mobile et Mozilla OS, et a répondu, avec l’enthousiasme qui la caractérise, aux questions des journalistes (son compte-rendu, ici).

Après avoir obtenu un diplôme d’informatique à l’université de Rangoon, Chit a étudié à l’Alliance française de Rangoon (cocorico !), et travaille aujourd’hui en tant que designeuse et développeuse Web. Chit est, dans l’ordre, et selon ses propres termes : « une fan de CMS, une droguée de CSS3, une amoureuse du Logiciel Libre, et une travailleuse sous Drupal ». Sa devise ? « L’obstacle nous rend grand ». Et Chit nous rend fiers d’appartenir à la communauté Mozilla.

Bonjour Chit !

PS : et Chit s’est prêtée au jeu de l’interview WoMoz. Retrouvez ses réponses sur le blog WoMoz, ici.

It’s thanks to her that Mozilla now has a community in Burma (or the Republic of the Union of Myanmar)! Chit (or Akheno, her nickname) is one hip-and-happening Rep and WoMoz. She overflows with love and ideas. And she skillfully represented the Red Panda at #DevCon2012, the biggest developers’ conference in Rangoon. There she gave a talk on Mozilla Mobile and Firefox OS, and answered questions from the press with her characteristic enthusiasm. (See her report, here.)

After receiving her degree in computer science from the University of Rangoon, Chit studied at the Alliance Française in Rangoon (wow!), and now works as a web designer and developer. Chit is, in order, and in her own words: “CMS enthusiast, CSS3 junkie,Open source Lover and working with Drupal.” Her motto? “Don’t follow too much!.” And Chit makes us proud to be a part of the Mozilla community.

Bonjour Chit!

PS: Chit also made herself available for a WoMoz interview. Find her answers at the WoMoz blog, here.


Meet Chit Thiri Maung from Mozilla Myanmar

Here is an interview of Chit, a fantastic Mozilla Reps in Myanmar, who has just participated to the #DevCon2012, the largest developers’ conference at Myanmar, Yangon.

  • How did you discover free/libre software?

My name is Chit Thiri Maung. Most people known me as “ahkeno”, which is my blog name. I got a Master Degree from University of Computer Studies of Yangon (UCSY) in 2010. In 2008, when I prepared my thesis, I worked in a web development company, Myanmar Technology Gateway MTG, as a junior web developer. It was the beginnig of open source’s use in our company.

Joomla was my first open source project and Firefox my first web browser. Being a web developer / designer, Firefox helps me a lot in my work with it’s addons and plugins. Firebug, Colozilla, Fontfinder are my favorite addons and I still using them.

  • How did you come to Mozilla? What are you working on within Mozilla?

Making / having open source community is one of my dream, when I attend several Barcamps in YGN, MDY and Bangkok. Attending Mozilla Thai session in 2010 Oct, which was held at BarcampBKK, was my first step into Mozilla Myanmar Community. I met William, Gen, Dietrich and all the Mozilla Thai community.

I started contribution by localizing Firefox in January 2011 and was with Arky at Barcamp YGN2011. I become MozReps in June 2011, when the Reps program starts. In September, I attended MozCamp Asia which took place in Malaysia and was the first Mozcamp in Asia. I was so proud to be there, representing Myanmar, and met the talent behind the avatar. Most of Mozilla staff, contributors and volunteers, met in the same place, shared ideas, hacked, and contributed to make web better.

After I came back from MozCamp Asia, I had so much enthusiasm by Mozilla contribution and got new dreams to attend the next MozCamp with our Myanmar contributors.

Now, I contribute to all these Mozilla projects:

Localization of Firefox Aurora



Evangelism Reps


Sumo (localization)

  • What do you prefer about Mozilla?

The Mozilla mission: “Mozilla’s mission is to promote openness, innovation, and opportunity on the web.” Without Mozilla, I am sure we would not have things like Wikipedia and social networks. The web would have stayed a corporate tool.

  • And if you could improve something, what would that be?

These status are not only I did but also my community do. We started creating our Mozilla Myanmar Community in June 2011. In May 2012, we launched Mozilla Myanmar Community website.

We finished localization of Firefox Aurora: it is 94% done!

What would you want WoMoz to do in order to improve your life and experience in Mozilla?

Of course, WoMoz already helped me :) . I met “Delphine”  and “Julia” through WoMoz.

They helped me a lot with community stuff and big encouragements. And also, I participated to Adacamp DC, in Washington DC, in July, because I saw WoMoz mailist and I got sponsor from Mozilla. The theme of that camp was Women in OpenSource and I attended it with Meleka and Lukas. As I said at AdaCamp, I came from “Listen and follow environment” and I want “Stand up, speak out and take action”, especially to our Burmese People.

And it is a good challenge to make action to the traditional women to the Open web! Big encourage from WoMoz and if possible monthly discussions,brain storming of what was past we done and what we will do future!

Do you have any ideas for WoMoz projects that you would like to launch?

It is my dream to have a community and to help people getting more education and improving their lives! Especially as far as I am woman – oh yes,obviously I am woman :) – and working with open source .That means we have more struggle job opportunities and balance life other than normal women career. In my IT environment, there is not much more female geek! So, we need more women in open source and more women in geek projects. Mozilla and through Womoz communities can help to achieve my dreams.


Opening the mobile web mozilla and firefox OS at DevCon2012

I would like to share our Mozilla Myanmar Great activities at #DevCon2012.DevCon2012 is largest developer conference at Myanmar,Yangon.I (Mozilla Myanmar) took presentation of  “Opening the mobile web mozilla and firefox OS “.

Fortunately we took session at the first day of #DevCon2012 after the opening speech by Our second Minister of Information Technology U Thaung Tin.During his speech he was highlight to “Revolution of Our (Myanmar) ICT environment and Mobile innovation”. Through conversation
with him,he also used Firefox. 🙂

Meantime we also present of “Opening the mobile web mozilla and firefox OS ” so our topic and presentation  is right time,right place to share at Developer Conference.

We also gave sponsor the event and spread the Mozilla swag to the audience. And we also gave sponsor to our core active mozillian to attend #DevCon2012 and sharing experience. Thank to William and Contributor  Engagement Team sending us budget and swags in time within they are busy with Mozcamp.

During that day, as  Comm Reps I was answer two interview with broadcasting media (MWD and Five channel)which will release our TV channel and one (modern Journal) interview with weekly journal.They
highlight question is our “B2G and Firefox OS”.I will plan to discuss with them to give our “Nemo” News of Mozilla post for more detail post.

As evangelism reps I would like to say Thank for Christian Heilmann helping me slides and encourage to speak. Unfortunately during event ,we cant chat at ether-pad through bad connection.

here are link at  @slideshare  #DevCon2012

Here is my paper “Opening the mobile web mozilla and firefox OS “on #DropBox

Here is our Photos

I will post more detail of our session,feedback and link request by audience.
Happy Monday